Friday, September 21, 2012

Helaman 5 (esp. vs 40-47) = Liken unto Depression

I love this promise!   Consider the "cloud of darkness" as ones inner feelings during times of depression.   I know this works - I have put it to the test more than once.
"What shall we do, that this cloud of darkness may be removed from over-shadowing us?" (v40)
"You must repent, and cry unto the [Lord], even until ye shall have faith in Christ, who was taught unto you..., and when ye shall do this, the cloud of darkness shall be removed from overshadowing you." (v41)
"... they did ..." (v42)
"the cloud of darkness was dispersed from overshadowing them ..." (v43)
"... and they were filled with that joy which is unspeakable and full of glory." (v44)
"And the Holy Spirit of God did come down from heaven, and did enter into their hearts, and they were filled ...." (v45)
"Peace, peace be unto you, because of your faith in [Him]."  (v47)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Scripture Study and Triumph Over Evil Influences.

"I think that people who study the scriptures get a dimension to their life that nobody else gets and that can't be gained in any way except by studying the scriptures.
There's an increase in faith and a desire to do what's right and feeling of inspiration and understanding that comes to people who study the gospel - meaning particularly the Standard Works - and who ponder the principles, that can't come in any other way".  Bruce R. McConkie

Image from HERE

President Gordon B. Hinckley taught that we can triumph over evil influences in life by disciplining ourselves to avoid them.

From the Book of Momon Student Manual Religion 121 and 122, p27