Sunday, January 4, 2015

Glory shall follow After much tribulation

I noticed a copy of this on my fridge this morning.  On the morning of December 12th Anthony brought this to me to read.  He had been reading the D&C and this touched his heart and he felt like sharing it with me.  I had him make a copy of it to place where I could view it often.  It is a great reminder.

After much tribulation come the blessings.  I hope to be ready for and worthy of those blessings.

Bitter Sorrow and Great Happiness

I read Ponder the Path of Thy Feet by President Thomas S. Monson (given October 2014 General Conference) this morning as part of my scripture study and lesson prep and knew I must post this quote to remind me.


"While we will find on our path bitter sorrow, we can also find great happiness."

I know this sounds strange - one of those oxymorons, but I too can testify that this is true.  And I am grateful for it.