Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Lord is my Strength!

I was searching online for a quote "The Lord is my Strength" and realized something quite profound, yet so very simple.

When images and comments came up I saw a few spiritual references and appreciated them in their own individual way. Then as I scrolled down I noticed other photos that didn't seem to apply to my request and wondered why they were included.

That is when it hit me! I saw the captions under the images and understood why those images were there. Each had a caption similar to this; "Oh, my lord!" (left un-capitalized on purpose)

I suddenly felt the importance of realizing who our Lord is and how the secular world often "worships" things as their "lord" just as I saw in these images of men or women of a sensual nature, or delicious food, or other things that do not lead us to our Lord if that is our lord. I am sorry for those who do not understand this. They are truly missing something, and may not even recognize it.

I am very grateful for my Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. He is my strength!

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