Monday, November 4, 2013

Two Types of Missionary Service

Found this on Seth Adam Smith's blog here

Aaron, Ammon, & the Two Types of Missionary Service


In The Book of Mormon, we are told of two types of missionaries. The first type of missionary is the surface-level one—a missionary that believes that his/her mission is only to preach to and convert others.  The second type of missionary is the immersed one—a missionary that believes that his/her mission is to love and serve others.
Aaron and Ammon, along with their brothers, went into Lamanite territory to serve their missions among the Lamanites. These particular Lamanites were described as “a wild and a hardened and a ferocious people; a people who delighted in murdering…and robbing and plundering” (Alma 17:14). Aaron, Ammon, and their brothers “separated themselves one from another, and went forth among [the Lamanites]” (Alma 17:17) “that perhaps they might bring them unto repentance; that perhaps they might bring them to know of the plan of redemption” (Alma 17:16).
Aaron took the surface-level approach to missionary service. He was only out to preach to and convert others. Because of this, he immediately hit resistance: “And it came to pass as he began to expound these things unto them they were angry with him, and began to mock him;
and they would not hear the words which he spake” (Alma 21:10), and “they contended with many about the word” (Alma 21:11). Eventually, things got so bad that “Aaron and a certain number of his brethren were taken and cast into prison” (Alma 21:13).
Ammon, on the other hand, took the immersed approach to missionary service. His approach was to love those to whom he had been called to serve. In fact, he believed the Lamanites ”to be his brethren” (Alma 17:30), and treated them as such. Captured and bound by the Lamanites, he was taken to the feet of a Lamanite king named Lamoni. When King Lamoni asked why he had come into Lamanite territory, Ammon responded “I desire to dwell among this people for a time; yea, and perhaps until the day I die” (Ama 17:24). He also promptly told the king, ”I will be thy servant” (Alma 17:25). From that time forward, a deep bond of love and friendship began to grow between Ammon and Lamoni. Even Lamoni’s father later noticed “the great love [Ammon] had for his son, Lamoni” (Alma 20:26).
Ammon and Lamoni went on to release Aaron and his brethren from prison. Apparently, while in prison, Aaron had learned the value of service and love over surface-level missionary work, telling Lamoni’s father “we will be thy servants” (Alma 22:3). This missionary work, founded upon service, eventually evolved into one of the greatest conversion stories in The Book of Mormon—perhaps in all scripture.
And all of it was predicated upon learning to love the people.

Read more on his complete post, Recalled to Serve ...

Always Pray unto the Father in My Name

Awesome Message

Always Pray unto the Father in My Name 

by David L. Frischknecht  -  found here

After asking the question
"Of the many prayers in the scriptures, which come to your mind?"

Brother Frischknecht  mentioned a few, including this
"Perhaps to you the most memorable prayer in the scriptures is when the Savior pleaded, “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.”4 “And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him. And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly.”5

Then he asked
"Have you ever been in agony and prayed more earnestly?"

When I heard him ask that question, after referring to Christ's prayer, it touched my heart to realize the comparison.  Many times have I been in agony and prayed more earnestly, and yet I do not remember ever thinking of Christ doing the same.  It was enlightening and inspiring to hear (but I'm sure my words do not express even half of what my heart and mind were feeling at the time I heard it).

His message continued, and gave me more to contemplate.  He said
"The Lord said, “Ye must always pray unto the Father in my name.”6
This simple commandment is repeated in countless ways throughout the scriptures. We are told to pray continually 7 ; to pray without ceasing 8; to pray morning, mid-day, and evening 9; and to counsel with the Lord in all our doings 10. Simply put, Heavenly Father wants us to pray with faith every morning, every night, and often in between."

I loved that - pray with faith every morning, every night, and often in between.  And he kept repeating it thru his message so I could hear it over and over again. And he gave so many reasons why we should - blessings that would come to us if we do.  I have listed the blessings he promised
when you pray with faith every morning, every night, and often in between your life is better in every way than if you do not:

- you have the influence and power of the Holy Ghost.
- you choose the right more often.
- you avoid the wrong more often.
- you resist and avoid temptation more consistently.
- you think of others more readily.
- you love and serve your families, friends, and others better.
- you serve the Lord better.
- you repent more promptly and more completely.
- you are better prepared for the blessings of the sacrament and the blessings of the temple.
- you share the gospel with others more frequently and with greater urgency and with deeper conviction.
- you are a better friend and you choose better friends.
- you do better at school and at work.
- you do better at sports and music and dancing and writing and speaking and any other righteous talent you pursue.
- your mind works better.
- your body works better.
- you are a better son, a better daughter, a better mother, a better father.
- your successes are more meaningful.
- your trials are more refining.
- your sadness is shorter.
- Comfort and relief and strength come more quickly.
- you feel closer to your Heavenly Father.
- you know Him better and have stronger faith in Him and in the Lord Jesus Christ. In pleasant times and in hard times, you know what They want you to do, and you are more apt to do it.

- When you pray in faith every morning, every night, and often in between, your life is better in every way than if you do not."

Quite a wonderful list of blessings.  We have so much to gain when we pray in faith every morning, every night, and often in between.   Brother Frischknecht added this

"If you do not pray in faith every morning, every night, and often in between, you live below your privileges. You forfeit blessings. You lose protection. You lose inspiration. You lose comfort. You lose opportunities. You lose light. You lose strength. Again, if you do not pray every morning, every night, and often in between, you live way below your privileges."

Incentive right?  If you do not ... you lose!

He quoted President Gordon B. Hinckley saying,
Prayer is a marvelous and miraculous resource—the most marvelous and miraculous resource we have available to us.”11

He then quoted President Thomas S. Monson saying,
praying will “solve more problems, alleviate more suffering, prevent more transgression, and bring about greater peace and contentment in the human soul than could be obtained in any other way.”12

More incentive!

He went on to talk about Morning Prayer,
"Of all the things we think we need to do in the morning, talking with our Heavenly Father is the first and most important.
The practice of “praying first” has something in common with the practice of paying tithing first. Some say they don’t have enough money to pay tithing. But when we pay our tithing first, the Lord blesses us to make better use of the remaining 90 percent than if we had not paid tithing. Similarly, some people think they don’t have enough time to pray, especially in the morning. But when the first thing we do each morning is to speak sincerely and humbly with our Father in Heaven, the rest of our day is more meaningful and inspired and productive. Because we have sought Him in prayer, early and first, we accomplish much more of what is important.
There is always time to pray. So let us pray always."

His next topic was to Pray Anyway, telling us that 
"the Lord does not excuse anyone from the need to pray."

He said that you may feel things like not being worthy or you just don't feel like it, or you may even think that God doesn't notice you.  Maybe you are angry or maybe you already prayed and don't want to again.  Whatever the reason for not wanting to pray, he says simply
"Pray Anyway."
"So pray. Pray again. Pray still. Remember to pray always."

"Prayer helps keep our eye single to the glory of God and our mind clear and our heart meek and grateful. Prayer opens a conduit through which the Holy Spirit can convey light, truth, knowledge, peace—all the gifts and fruits of the Spirit—without interruption."

A few more things he mentioned,

"Remembering to pray always is easier when we remember we pray to God our Heavenly Father and to no one else. To you this may seem like a simple and obvious concept. But I invite you to consider with me what a powerful truth this is and the implications it should have for our prayers."

"While we live on earth, we feel separated from Him. Though it is true that we may not see Him now, it is not true that He cannot see us. As President Eyring recently explained, “The pavilion that seems to intercept divine aid does not cover God but occasionally covers us. God is never hidden, yet sometimes we are, covered by a pavilion of motivations that draw us away from God and make Him seem distant and inaccessible.”27

"Every time we address our Heavenly Father, let us remember who He is. Before we rush on to list our blessings and put in our order for more blessings, let us pause and reflect well on the loving, powerful, knowing Father with whom we are speaking. And let us allow this knowledge to influence everything else we say in our prayer."

"In simple terms, praying to the Father in the name of the Lord means that our prayer is offered and activated by our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Anointed Redeemer. It means we have faith that the Lord’s atoning mercy and grace allows us to pray to the Father now and eventually bring us back into the presence of the Father.34 And it means we desire to be identified with Jesus Christ; to be called by His name; to accord our will to His will; and to follow, love, obey, and serve Him".35

"Each time we pray to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ, as inspired by the Holy Ghost, we prefigure our ultimate reconciliation with Them in the kingdom of heaven."

"Every time we sincerely pray to the Father in the name of the Lord, a unique, sacred miracle occurs."
"The miracle is that you actually talked with God and that He in fact heard you and answered you."

"... our Father in Heaven desires that we pray to Him always and blesses us beyond measure when we do ..."


This was a wonderful message and I enjoyed it all.  The parts I added here today are those parts that stood out to me most at this time, but surely when I go back and re-read the whole message another day and time in my life, something else will stand out.  That full message given by David L. Frischknecht  can be found here.  Reading it often may be a great benefit in ones life.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

With God All Things Are Possible

Still Pondering this from Chapter 14 of Teachings of Presidents of the Church, Lorenzo Snow:

"God will add His strength to our efforts"

"Where the Lord plants us, there we are to stand; when he requires us to exert ourselves for the support of these holy principles, that we are to do; that is all we need to trouble ourselves about; the rest our Heavenly Father will take care of."

President Snow "knew in whom he trusted and therefore was able to endure every hardship, every opposition and overcome every obstacle."

After becoming President of the Church President Snow said that "There was no use in his making excuses as to inability etc., to assume the vast responsibilities involved in the position .... He felt that it was for him to do the very best he could and depend upon the Lord"

And a little something from the conversation during the lesson:
Though I don't remember the exact quote or story the thing I felt impressive was that individuals and families should have their FHE, attend seminary, have prayer and scripture study, etc. to help strengthen individuals and families so that each can be a good example to those around them
And, do not remove yourself from places (like a public school for instance), but strive to be the example the world needs.  Of course this does not mean that you remain in an undesirable and improper place or surrounding. 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Flag Raising Program 2013

This is the program I put together for the annual 4th of July flag raising program for Royal City 1st and 2nd Wards - 2013
I am so grateful for the people who accepted assignments and participated in this program.  They each did a great job and I am so pleased and thankful for their willingness and their goodness.  They made the program a success.  Each practiced on their own, but we never gathered for a complete run through.  Well-done my Friends!  WELL DONE!

MC /Welcome & intro program 

Prayer –
US Flag Raising -
Reader 1 – (read while raising flag)
I Am Old Glory: For more than nine score years I have been the banner of hope and freedom for generation after generation of Americans. Born amid the first flames of America’s fight for freedom, I am the symbol of a country that has grown from a little group of thirteen colonies to a united nation of fifty sovereign states. Planted firmly on a high pinnacle of American faith, my gently fluttering folds have proved an inspiration to untold millions.  Men have followed me into battle with unwavering courage.  They have looked upon me as a symbol of national unity.  They have prayed that they and their fellow citizens might continue to enjoy the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, which have been granted to every American as the heritage of free men.  So long as men love liberty more than life itself; so long as they treasure the priceless privileges bought with the blood of our forefathers; so long as the principles of truth, justice and charity for all remain deeply rooted in human hearts, I shall continue to be the enduring banner of the United States of America.  
(From the booklet Our Flag, written by Marine Master Sergeant Percy Webb.)

Pledge of Allegiance -

Background song -  men’s choir (remain seated) reverently/softly (like a thought in the mind/background) sing the first 6 lines of You’re a Grand Ole Flag –softening voices toward the end and flag bearers get to their seats. Flag bearers can softly sing with choir as they walk to their seats.

Reader 2 –                            Stage hand for visual -    / assorted flags
A flag is a standard, signal, banner, or ensign; it is an honored symbol of a people or a nation’s unity, its homes, achievements, glory, and high resolve. (p5 Your Flag)

The first flags adopted by our Colonial forefathers were symbolic of their struggles with the wilderness of a new land.  (visual)  Beavers, pine trees, rattlesnakes, anchors, and various like insignia with mottoes such as “Hope”, “Liberty”, “Appeal to Heaven” or “Don’t Tread on Me” were affixed to the different banners of Colonial America.  (p1-2 Our Flag)  

After the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, Americans realized they needed a national flag to take the place of all the individual banners carried by the various regiments – one that would symbolize the newly created union of states. (p 15 Your Flag)

From that original flag created in 1777 the flag has evolved and become what we see here today, with the 50th star added in 1960.  (p20 Your Flag)

The Star Spangled Banner (first and last verses)  Choir

Reader 3 –                        Stage hand / visual -                    / dressed as Moroni, holding title of liberty.
Throughout the ages man has developed character, courage, and strength by devotion to the symbols he believed in.  (p5 Your Flag)

We know of one such symbol used years ago – we read about it in our sacred scripture. 

Amalickiah, who was desirous to be king, used flattering words, promising judges the power they were seeking if they would follow him, and causing much wickedness among the people, destroying the foundation of liberty which God had granted unto them.

Moroni was chief commander of the Nephite armies and heard of these dissensions. (visual – stand there until reader is finished, then return to seat with reader, leaving the pole stuck in ground or holder.)  With a desire to follow God and to bring peace back to his people, he rent his coat and wrote upon it “in memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children, and he fastened it upon the end of a pole.” 

Moroni looked to God for help and inspiration and as the source of freedoms and blessings; and after faithful prayer, he rallied the people to defend their religion and their liberty.  They put their trust in God, and God was with them.  (Alma 46)

Edmond Burke said “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

We each need to trust in God and defend our liberty and religion, just as did the people of Moroni, and our founding fathers, the people we call pilgrims and pioneers, and many other righteous people.

In God We Still Trust (Diamond Rio)  Male Solo

Reader 4 –                           Stage hand for visual -                  / commandments display
“We must stand boldly for righteousness and truth, and must defend the cause of honor, decency, and personal freedom espoused by Washington, Madison, Adams, Lincoln, and other leaders who acknowledged and loved God.” (p90 The Spirit of America)

“The values that made us great are, in reality, the commandments of God. (visual)  They provide the foundation upon which our republic was built.” (p90 The Spirit of America)

“A nation that keeps God’s commandments and walks in His ways will prosper.  The framers of our Constitution knew that, and they tried to lay a solid moral foundation for a society that could be so blessed.” (p85 The Spirit of America)

It is our duty!  Our duty to God and our Country.  Look to God as our maker and as the source of our freedoms and blessings. (p7 The Spirit of America)

You have each been given a flag or other symbol of patriotism when you arrived today.  This symbol is meant to help remind and inspire you – inspire us – to dedicate ourselves to freedom, with a desire to follow eternal truths to help make a better people and a better nation.  (see Elder Perry’s talk)

Remember, as Pres. Monson has promised – Your Future is as Bright as your Faith!

Patriotic Hymn – America the Beautiful  (1st verse only)
  -  Chorister -                         Pianist -      
MC –   
Normally we do not retrieve the flag as part of our 4th of July flag program, but today we are going to take that opportunity to hopefully help us gain a greater appreciation for our US flag.

There is no official flag folding ceremony and there is no official meaning to each of the folds. However, there are a few optional flag folding ceremonies available.  The ceremony we are using today is an abbreviated form of the program used by the Air Force Academy.    
(  and )

Reader 5 -  
Flag Folding Ceremony (abbreviated)   (While the flag is being lowered read this paragraph)
In the Armed Forces of the United States, at the ceremony of retreat, the flag is lowered, folded in a triangle fold and kept under watch throughout the night as a tribute to our nation’s honored dead. The next morning it is brought out and, at the ceremony of reveille, run aloft as a symbol of our belief in the resurrection of the body. But further, America’s freedom has proved that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. Our military knows this best. So America celebrates Memorial Day and Veterans Day so that all Americans will remember its fallen heroes and veterans. At a veteran’s funeral, the casket is draped with a flag, which is then folded into a triangle and given to the family “on behalf of a grateful nation.” That folding ceremony has a special meaning.
(Read these with each fold of the flag)
• The first fold is a symbol of life.
• The second fold is a symbol of our belief in the eternal life.
• The third fold is made in honor and remembrance of the veteran ….
• The fourth fold represents … American citizens trusting in God….
• The fifth fold is a tribute to our country….”
• The sixth fold is for where our hearts lie. It is with our hearts that we pledge ….
• The seventh fold is a tribute to our Armed forces ….
• The eighth fold is a tribute to our mothers ….
• The ninth fold is a tribute to womanhood….
• The tenth fold is a tribute to father….
• The eleventh fold… glorifies… the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
• The twelfth fold, in the eyes of a Christian citizen, represents an emblem of eternity and glorifies, in their eyes, God the Father, the Son, and Holy Ghost.

When the flag is completely folded, the stars are uppermost, reminding us of our national motto, “In God We Trust.” 

God Bless America - Female Solo

Closing Prayer / Blessing on Food 

MC - Closing remarks and info

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Pray and Serve

"My promise to you who pray and serve the Lord cannot be that you will have every blessing you may wish for yourself and your family.  But I can promise you that the Savior will draw close to you and bless you and your family with what is best.  You will have the comfort of His love and feel the answer of His drawing closer as you reach out your arms in giving service to others."
Henry B. Eyring,  April 2013 General Conference / p22 May 2013 Ensign

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dark vs Light

I found this while searching for things to use in the 4th of July flag raising program.  I wrote the quote on a note page but neglected to write the source from where it was found.
Darkness ceases to exist when the Light of One flame still burns.

Friday, June 21, 2013

"How can I expect the Lord to help me when I don't help myself?"
This was a thought I had Tuesday morning when I realized that I had gone directly to preparing for the RS luncheon when I woke up, rather than to my normal routine of personal scripture study and prayer. 
I was beginning to feel behind schedule and was silently praying for help from above to accomplish what was needed that morning. Then that thought came to me -
"How can I expect the Lord to help me when I don't help myself?" 
I should have already had my spiritual feast for the day, but passed it up. I wasn't doing something bad, I just wasn't doing it in the proper order, with the proper personal preparation. 
I was trying hard to complete the task at hand and even thought for one quick moment that I was doing something good and then heading to the temple, so maybe I could skip it that day. Then it hit me - clear and to the point. This is a most perfect day for personal scripture and prayer - and nothing should ever take it's place; any day.  Not only that, but I really should prepare myself spiritually for a day at the temple. 
I stopped what I was doing and headed for my quite area for scripture and prayer. 
This morning I read Elder L. Tom Perry's message from 2013 April Conference titled Obedience to Law is Liberty, and find it to be perfect for this upcoming holiday, and to testify to the fact that personal scripture and prayer are a perfect beginning to every day ..., for every person.  It will help keep us on the right track.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Holy Ghost

Image above is a card I made to display in our home.
Below is a talk about the Holy Ghost I gave at our first grandson's baptism.

This message was directed to Brayden, but applies to all.
(A note: the church meetings that day were wonderful and the Spirit was very strong through each of the meetings. Then the prelude for the baptism (played by Brayden's great grandmother) was so beautiful.  It invited and welcomed the Spirit so strongly.  I loved it.)
While living as spirit children in heaven, before we came to earth, our Heavenly Father presented to us a plan.  He knew this plan would make us happy, because it would allow us to be born into a family, make good choices, and then someday live with Him again. 
There was a spirit there that did not like Heavenly Father’s plan and he rebelled against it.  That spirit was Satan, and Satan tried to tempt us to rebel and not follow God’s plan. 
We know that you were strong and made a good choice there in heaven - you made the choice to follow God’s plan, to follow Christ and come to earth – each of us on earth did. 

Because Satan chose to NOT follow God’s plan he did not get to come to earth to gain a body.  We do not see him, but Satan and those who followed him are still trying to tempt us and make us choose evil, bad and wrong things. 

We know that you are choosing to follow God’s plan, to follow Christ here on earth, because you have chosen to be baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 

Heavenly Father knows that Satan is trying to tempt us and take us away from the good things that Heavenly Father wants for us, so He has given us a gift that will help us know and recognize good from evil.  This gift is the gift of the Holy Ghost. 
In a few minutes worthy Melchizedek Priesthood holders will lay their hands upon your head, and they will confirm you a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
In that confirmation, your dad (one of those worthy priesthood holders) will say to you “receive the Holy Ghost”.

That means that the Holy Ghost is going to be given to you – to be your constant companion.  If you let Him, the Holy Ghost will be with you every second of your life.  He will teach you truth, He will help you feel Heavenly Father’s love for you, He will testify of Jesus Christ, He will comfort you, lead you, warn you, and invite you to follow Christ and make good choices.  
As you receive this ordinance, you accept a sacred responsibility – you must do something to fully receive the Holy Ghost as your constant companion. 

I will mention 3 of those things that you must do:
1 – You must sincerely desire to receive the Holy Ghost.  You must want Him to teach you, to lead and prompt you, to comfort you, to be with you.  Pray that He will be with you.  
2 - You must keep the commandments -  faithfully obey, study the scriptures, be a kind and helpful son and brother, friend and neighbor.  Do what Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ would want you to do.  The Holy Ghost will be with you when you choose the right and do good.
3 – You must listen for His help. He speaks in quiet and simple ways.  We must each try to recognize those ways that He speaks to us personally.  Then we must follow those promptings He gives us.  You will come to recognize the feelings you have when He is helping you. 
Sometimes it might be a feeling or a voice in your mind.  Maybe it will be a warmth in your heart and your whole body, or a calmness because you are doing right.  Maybe it will be a feeling of comfort. 
It might even be a funny or strange feeling making you wonder if something is wrong. 
Try to understand and try to feel and try to follow what the Holy Ghost is teaching you.  He will always lead you toward Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. 

The Holy Ghost is an important part of the plan of happiness that Heavenly Father presented to us in heaven.  He will help us live so that we can be a forever family.  He will help us choose good and He will lead us and guide us.

I want to tell you a story.  I am going to tell this story the way I saw it, though the person it happened to might tell this same story a different way because he was the one feeling the help from the Holy Ghost.  But here is how I saw it take place –
Several years ago I was out in our yard washing the inside of our car.  Anthony was out in the yard playing with a bat and ball.  One of the times I looked over toward him I saw him with his arms folded and his head bowed.  I kept watching him to see what he was doing.  With his head still bowed and his arms still folded I saw him turn a bit and start walking across the driveway and into the hay field a few steps.  Then he stopped, bent down and picked up the ball with a big smile on his face.

This was a special ball that belonged to one of his brothers and he didn’t want to lose it forever – he wanted to return it.  He couldn’t find it on his own, but he knew that Heavenly Father could help him find it, so he said a prayer, and was guided to the ball.

I am so thankful that our Heavenly Father loves us so much that He even helps us find a lost baseball.  I am thankful that Heavenly Father loves us so much that He has given us the gift of the Holy Ghost to help us whenever we need help. 
He helps us with important decisions we have to make.    Just like he taught Anthony where to go to find the baseball he will teach us where to go and what to do – in all things.

Think about what might have happened if this story went a different way - 
What if Anthony just got angry and upset when he lost the ball?  He wouldn’t have prayed, he wouldn’t have been taught by the Holy Ghost where to go and what to do.  The Holy Ghost cannot be with us when we are angry and mad.   The ball would have been lost forever and Anthony might still be angry and mad just like Satan would want him to be. 
So be careful and pray always that you will be able to withstand the temptations of Satan.  Pray always that you will feel the spirit of the Holy Ghost, so that He may lead you, and teach you where to go and what to do in all things in life.

 It is wonderful to be baptized a member of this true church, and it is wonderful to have the gift of the Holy Ghost given to us after we are baptized. 
23 years ago our first child was baptized. That was your daddy and we love him.    
We have watched him make good choices in life.  We know that he has listened to and followed the Holy Ghost and we are so grateful that he is following the Savior.

Today our first grandchild is baptized.  We are so pleased and excited for you. We love you.
We want our family to be together forever and this is one of the steps toward that blessing.

The Holy Ghost will help us to resist the temptations of Satan and He will lead us and guide us back to our Father in Heaven.  With the Holy Ghost as our constant companion it will never be too hard to live the gospel and choose the right. 
He will help us be happy and choose happiness if we pray for His help and follow Him.  And one day we will be able to return to our Father in Heaven as an eternal family.

 We love you and pray for you.  We know you will continue to make good choices as you follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost.
I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true. I know that we will be blessed as we follow Him.  He will help us live so that we can return to our Father in Heaven someday.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Licorice is Going the Extra Mile - A Favorite Story of Mine

This is a story I found in my files that I would like to save here.
It is one of my favorites.
The little boy was sure he primary teacher did not like him because she was always having to discipline him.  He paid her back by giving her extra trouble in class, and, in return, receiving an extra firm discipline.
One day a the little country store in their town, the little boy met his teacher.  She was buying some candy at the counter, licorice, his favorite kind.  She then asked if she could walk home with the little boy.  As they walked, they shared that licorice candy, but they shared something else, too.  They shared some feelings and some thoughts.  They shared a little bit of themselves.
After that, the little boy knew his teacher liked him.  He even suspected that she loved him.  And he had a different feeling for her, too.  So he paid her back for the love she showed for him by being a helper in class.  He began to like Primary even.
Years later, the little boy, grown up, learned something special about that day.  he learned that his teacher, (The one who didn't like him), had made a special point to find out from his mother just exactly when he was to be at that little country store.  She even found out what kind of candy was his favorite.  He found out that she knew he was worth the time and the trouble.  How grateful he was that she knew that , for him, LICORICE IS GOING THE EXTRA MILE.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

RS Lesson - April 28, 2013

The RS lesson for Sunday was taken from two messages from the 2012 October General Conference; Trial of Your Faith by Elder Neil L. Andersen (p39), and By Faith All Things Are Fulfilled by Elder Marcus B. Nash (p99). 
I agreed to give the RS lesson (substitute) and was excited about these messages. I remember loving them as they were given. Then I started reading and preparing and realized that the last RS lesson I gave was on Faith and I was worried about how I would approach and present this lesson so that it would not be the same ole thing I had previously done.

As I was re-reading the messages there seemed to be one thing that stood out to me - something that I really didn't want to do, but it seemed that I should do.  I would begin with the question "What is Faith?" - really?  It seemed so childish, but as I continued going through those messages I was convinced that that was the direction my lesson would take, and it would continue throughout the whole lesson ... "What is Faith? - Really!"
Of course - when the Lord gives you a direction, you'd better take it!  So I did!

The lesson began with that question and we spent the rest of the time sharing quotes and scriptures and filling the chalkboard with words that answer the question "What is Faith?".  The lesson plan I prepared follows, but did not go exactly as written (I knew it wouldn't), because I handed out several quotes and scriptures for others to read and asked that they share them, and any other comments and experiences they might like to share, at any time through the lesson - whenever they felt prompted.  I am grateful that the spirit touched their hearts to share when they did - we have a wonderful group of women in our Relief Society.


Start with this sentence from Elder Nash –  “All things are fulfilled by faith.” (p99)
This faith we talk of today is the faith in Jesus Christ.  Our faith must be centered in Jesus Christ in   order to produce salvation.” (Bible dict)

So what is faith?   (FAITH =)

Elder Andersen said; “The gift of faith is a priceless spiritual endowment”. (p39)

Elder Nash said that "faith is both a principle of action and of power."   (p99)  (action = something we do and power = something we gain or receive)  
At this point the chalk board looked something like this:
FAITH =           ACTION / DO =            POWER / GAIN =
(The lesson continued, and all of the words that are underlined were added in the correct place on the board.)

Faith is a hope…, an assurance…, a confidence in something or someone.  (p99+)

“Faith in Jesus Christ is the first principle of the gospel and is more than belief, since true faith always moves its possessor to some kind of physical and mental action; it carries an assurance of the fulfillment of the things hoped for.” (Bible dict.)     

How do we get faith? (this is the “action/something we do” part) (OBTAIN FAITH= was added under ACTION/DO)

Bible dictionary says; “Although faith is a gift, it must be cultured and sought after…”
Pray / pray always / pray for increased faith / find answers to your prayers  (seek it) (receive answers) (p39, 99)
Patiently wait  (p99)                                          
Press forward with hope (p99)
Believe and Trust God (according to His timing) (p39-42, 99-101)
Fear not (p42, 100)
Study Scriptures  (ponder(40+) “You are to teach the scriptures… (which also means then, that we are to learn them) … therein we find principles of truth that will resolve every confusion and every problem and every dilemma that will face the human family or any individual in it.”  (Elder Packer)
Obey / Learn and Live the gospel – “All true faith must be based upon correct knowledge or it cannot produce the desired results.” (Bible dict.)
Attend church meetings / Meet together with others who believe.  (p40+)
Partake of the sacrament. (p40)
Worship thru music (in our meetings, homes, vehicles, etc.) (p40)
Share testimony of the Savior. (p40)
Serve one another. (p40)
Feel the spirit of the Lord / Invite it (p40, 100)
Receive blessings of the priesthood. (p40)
Attend the temple. (p40)  “In the ordinances, the power of godliness is manifest, when you are faced with a test of faith, stay within the safety and security of the household of God.  There is always a place for you here.  No trial is so large we can’t overcome it together.”

The April 2013 Vting message encourages us to make and keep sacred temple covenants, and           quotes President Monson, saying; “As we remember the covenants we make within the temple, we will be more able to bear every trial and to overcome each temptation.” 
There was also a story about the early saints who received strength, power, and blessings through temple covenants, and they testified that it was those temple covenants that sustained them. 
We too can be sustained by our temple covenants!

How do we keep or strengthen our faith / How do we remain steadfast and immovable during a trial of faith? 

Same answers as above. (add / KEEP FAITH= beside OBTAIN FAITH)

It is within the sanctuary of the Church that we protect our faith.  (p39, 40) (attend church)
“The church is not a place where perfect people gather to say perfect things or have perfect thoughts, or have perfect feelings. The church is a place where imperfect people gather to provide encouragement, support and service to each other as we press on in our journey to return to our Heavenly Father.”  (Joseph B. Wirthlin)

“You immerse yourself in the very things that helped build your core of faith; you exercise faith in Christ, you pray, you ponder the scriptures, you repent, you keep the commandments, and you serve others.” (p40, 99, 100)

 (I love the word immerse in that sentence – “immerse yourself in the very things that helped build your core of faith”.  Immerse is to “plunge into something that surrounds or covers” – plunge into the very things that helped build your core of faith so that it may surround and cover you.)

 (Another word in that sentence stood out to me – exerciseWe often hear that word when we hear about faith – exercise faith.  I think it gives extra meaning to faith – Webster says that “exercise is an act of employing or putting into play; something performed or practiced in order to develop, improve, or display a specific capability or skill.”  Perfect isn’t it! )

“We treasure our faith …, and do all within our power to protect and defend our faith” (p39)

(Most anything we get or gain can be lost – usually through neglect or forgetfulness, but sometimes as with losing weight, we even put much effort into it.  Consider that as we discuss the next question.)

How can we lose our faith?  (HOW LOSE FAITH=)

We must be aware of all of the obstacles in our way to lead us off the path of faith.
“Satan will use such things as doubt, fear, or sin to tempt us to let go of faith and lose the protection it offers” (p100)

Doubt - Stop believing & trusting in the Lord – Unbelief in the Lord or His gospel will cause us to resist the Spirit of God.”   (p100)  

READ Mosiah 4:9
Believe in God; believe that he is, and that he created all things, both in heaven and in earth;   believe that he has all wisdom, and all power, both in heaven and in earth; believe that man        doth not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend.”

Elder Nash said that “If, because of unbelief or doubt, you find your faith wavering … keep in mind that “faith and reason are necessary companions”, and then he asked that we consider the following analogy –   “faith and reason are like the two wings of an aircraft. Both are essential to maintain flight. If from your perspective, reason seems to contradict faith, pause and remember that our perspective is extremely limited compared with the Lords. Do not discard faith any more than you would detach a wing from an aircraft in flight. Instead, nurture a particle of faith and permit the hope it produces to be an anchor to your soul – and to your reason.”  (p100)

Fear – Fear distracts from and undermines faith in the Savior. (p100+)  
Remember “the Apostle Peter looked to the Lord one stormy night as he walked on water, until he averted his gaze and saw the wind, boisterous, and he became afraid, and then sank into the stormy sea.  He could have continued walking had he not feared.”
“Rather than focusing upon and fearing the boisterous wind and waves in our lives, the Lord invites us to ‘look unto Him in every thought; doubt not, fear not.” (p42, 100)

Sin / Heeding the temptations of Satan causes us to lose faith.  “Sin diminishes the presence of the spirit in our lives, and without the Holy Ghost, we will lack the spiritual stamina to hold on to  and exercise faith.”    (100, 40)                        (be worthy of Holy Ghost)

Bible dictionary says that “A lack of faith leads one to despair, which comes because of iniquity.”

Pride / Love praise of men more than praise of God (John 12:43)
Blinded eyes / Hardened heart  (John 12:40)
Stop praying, studying the scriptures, following Christ’s teachings  (42, 99 +)

Be diligent in keeping all the commandments, lest your faith fail you.  If sin has stained your life, I invite you to exercise faith unto repentance, and the Savior, thru the Atonement, will purify and heal  your life.” (p100, 101)

“Remember that faith precedes and produces miracles.” (p100)

 “Faith brings us the power of the Lord, which - among other things – is manifested by a hope of good things to come, miracles that confirm our faith, and divine protection in spiritual and temporal matters.” (p99)

READ D&C 27:15&17
“Wherefore, lift up your hearts and rejoice, and gird up your loins, and take upon you my whole armor, that ye may be able to withstand the evil day, having done all, that ye may be able to stand.”
“Taking the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked”                                                    
(and then in vs 18 He encourages us to  be faithful until I come”)

If we have the shield of faith about us we will find that divine protection promised the faithful. (p100)

 Elder Andersen said; “Whatever you do, [DO NOT] step away from the church! Distancing yourself from the kingdom of God during a trial of faith is like leaving the safety of a secure storm cellar just as the tornado comes into view.”  (p40)

Elder Andersen said that “fiery trials are designed to make you stronger, but they have the potential to diminish or even destroy your trust in the Son of God and to weaken your resolve to keep your promises to Him.
These trials are often camouflaged, making them difficult to identify.  They take root in our weaknesses, our vulnerabilities, our sensitivities, or in those things that matter most to us. 
A real manageable test for one can be a fiery trial for another.” (p40)

In our RS broadcast a few weeks ago, Sister Burton shared something with us that fits so perfectly here.  She said; “When our faith is shaken, when we begin to doubt and wonder we may question,  Why does the Lord allow suffering and adversity to come to us in this life?”   (we question)

In answer to this question she said; “Simply put, it is part of the plan for our growth and progress Our needed conversions are often achieved more readily by suffering and adversity than by comfort and tranquility.”
All that is unfair about life can and will be made right thru the Atonement of Jesus Christ.”
Stay close to Him.

“The Lord will, according to our faith, fulfill His promises and work with us to overcome every challenge.”  (p100) (He will work with us)

He will bless each of us with hope, protection, and power according to our faith in Him.” (p100)

 “Steadfast faith in the Lord Jesus Christ will anchor us and our loved ones, to ‘the rock of our Redeemer and His matchless power to save.” (we’ll be savedeternal life)  - “By faith one obtains a remission of sins and eventually can stand in the presence of God.” (Bible dict.)

 “If we are strongly and securely attached to the Rock of our Redeemer, faith will help us to safely climb the gospel path, overcome every challenge of mortality, and return to the majestic presence of our Heavenly Father.”  (p99)

(a note on my book mark)  “The right path will always be uphill.”   And one thing to remember here is that uphill leads to God – it will always be worth it, every step will be worth it; every stumble, every large or tiny upward progression will be worth it.

“By definition, trials will be trying.  There may be anguish confusion, sleepless nights, and pillows wet with tears.  But trials need not be spiritually fatal.  They need not take us from our covenants or from the household of God.” (p41)

READ Helaman 5:12
“And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall.” (build your foundation on Christ)

Sister Hinckley has said;  “There are some years in our lives that we would not want to live again.  But even these years will pass away, and the lessons learned will be a future blessing.” 
(She continued with this scripture)
D&C 24:8 –Be patient in afflictions, for thou shalt have many; but endure them, for lo, I am with thee, even unto the end of thy days.  
She also said;  Keep the Faith.  It pays such great dividends!”  (Small and Simple Things p100-103)

“Like the intense fire that transforms iron into steal, as we remain faithful during the fiery trial of our faith, we are spiritually refined and strengthened.” (p42)

“With faith comes trials of faith, bringing increased faith.” (p42)

“Where there is true faith there are miracles, visions, dreams, healings, and all the gifts of God that he gives to his saints.
By it one can command the elements and/or heal the sick, or influence any number of circumstances when occasion warrants.”   (Bible dict)

Hold on.  Fear Not.  For God shall be with you forever and ever. (p42)

I will close as did Elder Nash, with a quote from our prophet (a favorite of mine)
“Your future is as bright as your faith” (p100) (Bright Future)


When the lesson was over, the chalkboard was filled with words.  I created a visual to help show what the chalkboard might have looked like, though this visual is much neater than the chalkboard writing was.  I tried to remember everything that the sisters added, but I'm sure I am forgetting some.  This list is not meant to be a complete list, so feel free to add your own as you read thru it.

The filled chalkboard was a visual that our eyes beheld and it touched our hearts to see it before us.
I was very grateful for the divine guidance and direction given me as I prepared, and for the help presenting it. 
I had a cold (runny nose and sneezing often) before I started the lesson and I worried that I would waste too much time taking care of my nose during the lesson.  I was armed with Kleenex within reach and when the meeting was over I realized I hadn't needed a single tissue.  How's that for help from above!  Pretty perfect I'd say.  
It is Tuesday as I write this, and the cold and runny nose are still with me, but I'm grateful for the 45 minutes of healing I received Sunday.  :)   I've gone through more than one box of Kleenex already.

Keep the Faith.  It pays such great dividends!”